Volume 67, 2025

Volume 67, 2025, Issue 1

Performance Study of Surfactant-Assisted Electrokinetics for Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Niger-Delta ( 524,73 KB, pdf)

Performance Study of Surfactant-Assisted Electrokinetics for Enhanced Oil Recovery in the Niger-Delta
Henry E. Idudje, Stanley I. Onwukwe, Angela Nwachukwu, Ugochukwu I. Duru, Anthony Kerunwa, Chukwuebuka Francis Dike, pp. 200-206

Digital twins in the oil and gas industry ( 825,31 KB, pdf)

Digital twins in the oil and gas industry
Maxim Vadimovich Lipovka, Taras Viktorovich Gandzha, Maksim Igorevich Kochergin, Yuri A. Shurygin, Natalia V. Aksenova, pp. 188-199

Uncertainties Associated with Petroleum Reservoir’s Rock and Fluid Properties ( 370,43 KB, pdf)

Uncertainties Associated with Petroleum Reservoir’s Rock and Fluid Properties
Suresh Kumar Govindarajan, pp. 181-187

Fuel Quality and Energy Recovery Analyses of Duduguru Coal from the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria ( 626,79 KB, pdf)

Fuel Quality and Energy Recovery Analyses of Duduguru Coal from the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria
Bemgba B. Nyakuma, Opeyemi M. Ajayi, Samuel-Soma M. Ajibade, Anthonia O. Adediran, pp. 172-180

Optimization of Nanofluid Systems for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Analysis of Concentration, Slug Size, and Injection Rates ( 1,21 MB, pdf)

Optimization of Nanofluid Systems for Enhanced Oil Recovery: Analysis of Concentration, Slug Size, and Injection Rates
Abdelrahman El-Diasty, Shedid A. Shedid, Hamid Khattab, Mahmoud Tantawy, pp. 164-171

Evaluation of Key Parameters and Performance Indicators of A-05 Well in the Niger-Delta ( 935,72 KB, pdf)

Evaluation of Key Parameters and Performance Indicators of A-05 Well in the Niger-Delta
Nnaemeka Uwaezuoke, Kalu G. Oji, Ndubuisi U. Okereke, Lilian E. Ndoma-Egba, Chukwuebuka F. Dike, pp. 156-163

Microstructural, Morphological, and Compositional Analyses of Duduguru Coal from the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria ( 720,80 KB, pdf)

Microstructural, Morphological, and Compositional Analyses of Duduguru Coal from the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria
Bemgba B. Nyakuma, Opeyemi M. Ajayi, Samuel-Soma M. Ajibade, Anthonia O. Adediran, pp. 148-155

Mechanism of Dispersion of Non-Polar Collecting Reagents in Coal Slime Flotation ( 768,38 KB, pdf)

Mechanism of Dispersion of Non-Polar Collecting Reagents in Coal Slime Flotation
Anatolii Samoilov, Volodymyr Biletskyi, Natalia Desna, pp. 140-147

Reservoir Characterization to Define Reservoir Quality in Uncored Reservoir: A Case Study, Lower Bahariya Sandstone Reservoir, East Abu Gharadig Basin, North the Western Desert, Egypt ( 2,00 MB, pdf)

Reservoir Characterization to Define Reservoir Quality in Uncored Reservoir: A Case Study, Lower Bahariya Sandstone Reservoir, East Abu Gharadig Basin, North the Western Desert, Egypt
Menna-T-Allah Lotfy, Hamid M. Khattab, Mohamed H. Menissi, Ali M. Wahba, pp. 123-139

Characterization of Flow-rate dominated Deposition on Flow Assurance Investigations associated with Multi-Phase Hydrocarbon Flow through Pipe Lines ( 415,86 KB, pdf)

Characterization of Flow-rate dominated Deposition on Flow Assurance Investigations associated with Multi-Phase Hydrocarbon Flow through Pipe Lines
Suresh Kumar Govindarajan, pp. 118-122

Modelling Annual Natural Gas Demand Forecasting Using Non-Linear Auto-regressive with Exogenous Input (NARX) Neural Networks ( 824,64 KB, pdf)

Modelling Annual Natural Gas Demand Forecasting Using Non-Linear Auto-regressive with Exogenous Input (NARX) Neural Networks
Ifeanyichukwu M. Onyejekwe, pp. 106-117

Gas Chimney Delineation and Prospect Identification from Seismic Data Using Artificial Neural Networks in an Area of North Sea, Netherlands ( 2,40 MB, pdf)

Gas Chimney Delineation and Prospect Identification from Seismic Data Using Artificial Neural Networks in an Area of North Sea, Netherlands
Md. Asiful Islam, Waraka Bin Ismail, Md. Nasirul Islam, Mohammad Mujtaba Hasan, pp. 94-105

Microstructural, Morphological, and Compositional Analysis of Owukpa Coal from the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria ( 720,16 KB, pdf)

Microstructural, Morphological, and Compositional Analysis of Owukpa Coal from the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria
Bemgba B. Nyakuma, Aliyu Jauro, Mary Gojeh, Sani M. Isyaka, Olagoke A. Oladokun, Indi S. Gbaja, Samuel-Soma M. Ajibade, pp. 86-93

Recognizing Key Petroleum System Elements within the Coal-Bearing Sequence of the Mamu Formation in the Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria ( 1,67 MB, pdf)

Recognizing Key Petroleum System Elements within the Coal-Bearing Sequence of the Mamu Formation in the Anambra Basin, Southeastern Nigeria
C. I. P. Dim, A. W. Mode, I. A Okonkwo, I. M. Umeadi, R. C. Orajiuka, pp. 79-85

Improvement and Reconstruction of Coking Processes ( 961,70 KB, pdf)

Improvement and Reconstruction of Coking Processes
K. Shmeltser, S. Pyshyev, D. Miroshnichenko, S. Kravchenko, N. Vytrykush, M. Shved, pp. 68-78

Study of Dehydration of Coal-Oil Concentrate ( 567,69 KB, pdf)

Study of Dehydration of Coal-Oil Concentrate
Volodymyr Biletskyi, Natalia Desna, Vitalii Biletskyi, pp. 59-67

Enhanced Cascade Refrigeration System Performance via Fuzzy-Based Multi-Objective Optimization ( 824,23 KB, pdf)

Enhanced Cascade Refrigeration System Performance via Fuzzy-Based Multi-Objective Optimization
Mohamed A. Atef, Shazly M. Salem, Mostafa H. Hussein, pp. 45-58

Energy Saving through Optimizing the Re-liquefaction Process for the Boil-off Gas Inside Propane Tank ( 765,88 KB, pdf)

Energy Saving through Optimizing the Re-liquefaction Process for the Boil-off Gas Inside Propane Tank
Alaa M. Ali, Walaa A. E. Omar, Eman A. Emam, pp. 36-44

Tackling the Supply Disruption of Natural Gas Pipeline Networks A Case Study on Upper Egypt Network ( 779,82 KB, pdf)

Tackling the Supply Disruption of Natural Gas Pipeline Networks A Case Study on Upper Egypt Network
Hassan Hossam Eldin, Nour El-Emam, Abu-Zaid El-Sayed, and Nasser Zoghaib, pp. 24-35

Determination of Replacement Terms of Mineral Motor Oils Based on to their Actual Condition ( 905,39 KB, pdf)

Determination of Replacement Terms of Mineral Motor Oils Based on to their Actual Condition
A. Grigorov, S. Bondarenko, V. Khrystych, M. Maliarov, N. Maksymovska, pp. 16-23

New Experimental Approach to the Influence of Pore Geometry on Laboratory Water-Oil Relative Permeability and Oil Recovery Using A Reconstituted Matrix Based on Sand and Clay Particles ( 2,95 MB, pdf)

New Experimental Approach to the Influence of Pore Geometry on Laboratory Water-Oil Relative Permeability and Oil Recovery Using A Reconstituted Matrix Based on Sand and Clay Particles
Zakaria Adjou, Djamila Boufades, Zahaf Maamar, Belahlou Narimene, Mustapha Miloudi, Souad Hammadou née Mesdour, pp. 1-15