
The grease HTBG 2EPM is intended for lubrication of plain and roller bearing with low speed or discontinued movement at high temperatures and heavy duty within the range from -20 °C to +160 °C, and for more often or automated greasing even over +200 °C, respectively. In particular, it is used for heavy duty bearing in machinery and plain bearings in metallurgy, rubber and paper industries.

General characteristics

HTBG 2EPM is a grease based on the petroleum oil and inorganic binding agent. It contains an additive MoS2 (molybdenum disulfide) and a mixture of antioxidants and special anti-corrosion compounds. MoS2 improves the properties of the heavy duty grease, improves the seizing and wear protection in difficult conditions. The grease has a very good temperature and oxidizing stability and a smooth buttery structure. It is not washable with water, its color is dark grey to black.

Qualitative indicators
PN VÚRUP 016-03

Ukazovateľ kvality Hodnota
Bod skvapnutia, °C, min. 240
Penetrácia pri 25°C, 10-1 mm 265- 295
Odolnosť voči vode pri 90°C, stupne hodnotenia 1-90
Urýchlená skúška na koróziu, 100°C/24 h
-medený pliešok
-oceľový pliešok
Vypierateľnosť v ložisku vodou pri 79°C, % hm. max. 5
Obsah mechanických nečistôt neprítomné
Oxidačná stálosť, pokles tlaku 100 h/100°C, kPa, max. 40
Skúška na 4GP*
-zvarové zaťaženie, N, min.
-priemer stopy, mm, chod E/1000N, max.
-priemer stopy, mm, chod E/1900N, max.

* guaranteed by the manufacturer


It meets the performance classification according to:

  • DIN 51 502 | KPF 2P-20
  • ISO 6743-9 | L-X-CEHB-2

Work safety and health protection

The grease HTBG 2EPM has no toxic nor significant irritative effect (biological efficiency II.B). Observe general rules applying to handling the petroleum products during work.

Packaging and storage

The grease HTBG 2EPM is available in 8.0 kg cans. Store in dry and dust-free rooms at temperatures from -10 to +30 °C. Shelf life is max. 3 years from the date of production.


MADIT HTBG-2EPM (186.90 KB, pdf)