LDAR – Measurement of fungitive emissions, Technological emission measurement, Balancing emissions and losses
Scope of Service
- Measurement of fugitive VOC emissions (Volatile organic compounds) from piping elements (valves, flanges, pump sealings, compressor sealings, sampling fittings etc.) – LDAR program implementation
- Balancing of fugitive emissions and VOC emissions from storage, pumping and filling mobile containers at terminals for the purposes of setting fees in line with the legislation
- The calculation of losses during storage, repumping and filling of fuel at service stations
- Technological measurements of VOC from air contamination sources
- Calculations and assessment of dispersion of VOC emissions depending on the current weather conditions.
- Consulting and advisory activities in the air protection
- LDAR program implementation v SLOVNAFT, a. s. since 1995
- Tightness measurement of fittings and piping elements for Transpetrol, a.s., EZOP Slovakia, s.r.o., DPT Komárno, Dalby, a.s., Letisko M.R. Štefánika – Airport Bratislava, a.s.
- Balancing of annual VOC emissions and setting fee rates in line with the legislation for SLOVNAFT, a. s., Transpetrol, a.s., Sklady LMRŠ Bratislava, DPT, a. s. Komárno
- Balancing of annual VOC emissions and setting fee rates in line with the legislation in force for SLOVNAFT, a. s., Transpetrol, a. s., Sklady LMRŠ Bratislava, DPT, a. s.,
- Balancing of losses of fuel at service stations – SLOVNAFT, a.s., Lagermax
- Technological measurements of VOC concentrations at the MCHB Waste water treatment plant of SLOVNAFT, a. s., Bratislava