• PatentsPatent file no. 276808

    Patent file no. 276808

    The method of preparation of highly efficient of the A type zeolite adsorbents

    Document type: B6
    (21) Application No.: 2265-90
    (22) Date of submission: 8.5.1990
    (47) Date of publishing of the granted patent in the Bulletin: 12.8.1992
    (51) International Patent Classification: B01J20/16,B01J20/18
    (54) Name: The method of preparation of highly efficient of the A type zeolite adsorbents
    (72) Author: Spitzer Pavol ing. CSc., Bratislava, CS;
    Sučanská Mária ing., Bratislava, CS;
    Zámečníková Jana ing., Bratislava, CS;
    Akubžanov Vladimír ing., Bratislava, CS;
    Beňo Milan ing., Bratislava, CS;
    Gálfy Koloman, Bratislava, CS
    (71,73) Owner: Slovnaft VÚRUP, a. s., Bratislava, SK;
    (31) Priority number: 2265/90
    (32) Date of priority: 8.5.1990
    (33) Country code: CS
    (57) Annotation: The patent describes the method to prepare (1) the highly efficient formed A type zeolite adsorbents by contacting the outgoing zeolite adsorbent 4A being formed with added aluminosilicate binder with the aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide and (2) the highly efficient formed 5A type zeolite adsorbent through exchange of original Na.sup.+ .n. ions in the highly efficient formed zeolite adsorbent 4A with bivalent cations of metal from the second group at the periodic table of elements.