Research of integrated production technologies for motor fuel of the second generation from bioliquids – APVV-0415- Biointegra
The project is running under support of APVV
Project aims
The aim of the project is the use of bio-oils obtained from the thermo-catalytic processes in the production of the components for automotive fuels. Such components should be compatible with the current fossil fuels and competitive in terms of price. The use of technological infrastructure of the refinery for oil upgrading
The subject of the research is also the development and tests of catalysts of the aldol condensation of oxygen components of the bio-oil (increase of the part of the fraction of gas oil) and the catalytic elimination of oxygenates and their conversion to hydrocarbons. The development and application of the analytical differentiation method for biogenic and fossil carbon in fuels.
The participants in the project
STU in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology – responsible investigator Doc. Ing. J. Cvengroš, DrSc.
VÚRUP, a.s. Bratislava – Ing. Ľ. Joríková
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Chemical Institute – RNDr. R. Kubinec, PhD
Project stages
- The research of bio-oil composition obtained from the fast pyrolysis of the biomass, research of the spectrum of various physical techniques for the initial bio-oil modifications to stabilize and fractionate them,
- research of the secondary cracking of the bio-oils towards biofuels of the second generation,
- upgrading of modified bio-oils using the heterogeneous catalysts for bio-fuels of second generation and using of selected refinery technology of hydrooxygenation / hydrodesulfurization (HDO/HDS),
- development and application of analytical methods to assess the suitability of selected procedures of bio-oil upgrading and determination of biogenic carbon in the fossil fuels,
- to obtain the documents for the proposal for the implementation in the practice.
The publications to the project
Jozef Mikulec, Marek Banič, Ľudmila Joríková, Robert Kubinec, Ján Cvengroš, Božena Vasilkovová, Jarmila Štepková, Katalytická hydrogenácia bioolejov z flash pyrolýzy na heterogénnych katalyzátoroch, International conference on chemical technology – ICCT 2013, Mikulov, Česká republika, 8.-10.4.2013, ISBN 1978-80-86238-37-1.
Augustínová J., Cvengrošová Z., Mikulec J., Vasilkovová B., Cvengroš J.: Fractionation of the bio-oil from biomass fast pyrolysis. Proceedings, 46th International Conference of Petroleum Processing. Bratislava, SR, 7.6.2013, ISBN: 978-80-969792-4-0
Augustínová J., Cvengrošová Z., Mikulec J., Vasilkovová B., Cvengroš J.: Upgrading of bio-oil from fast pyrolysis. Proceedings, 46th International Conference of Petroleum Processing. Bratislava, SR, 7.6.2013, ISBN: 978-80-969792-4-0
Jozef Mikulec, Marek Banič, Ľudmila Joríková, Stanislava Marčeková :Katalytická hydrogenácia bioolejov z fast pyrolýzy na heterogénnych katalyzátoroch, In CHISA 2013 – 60. konference chemického a procesního inženýrství, 14.-17.října 2013, Srní, Šumava. Sborník Praha: Česká společnost chemického inženýrství, 2013, s. 14. ISBN 978-80-02-02500-9.
Cvengroš J., Cvengrošová Z., Buzetzki E., Augustínová J., Vasilkovová B., Mikulec J.: Biooleje z rýchlej pyrolýzy biomasy, Potravinová soběstačnost a udržitelná výroba směsných a biogenních pohonných hmot – stav a rozvoj do roku 2020. Brno, ČR, 28.6.2013
Cvengroš, Z. Cvengrošová, J. Augustínová, B. Vasilkovová, E. Buzetzki: Možnosti spracovania odpadov z biomasy na biooleje a palivá. Predseminár konferencie 46th International Conference of Petroleum Processing. Bratislava, SR, 7.6.2013, 12 strán.