• Contacts



    VÚRUP, a. s.

    Vlčie hrdlo P.O.BOX 50 820 03 Bratislava 23 Slovenská republika

    Fakruračné údaje

    Billing details

    CRN: 35691310

    Tax ID: 2020331423

    VAT ID No: SK7120001713


    Tel: 02/40555134

    Contact persons

    Name Position Telephone E-mail
    Ing. Zsolt Novotný Managing director [email protected]
    Zdena Šimčáková Assistant of the Managing director 02/40555134 [email protected]
    Ing. Mária Sulíková Quality manager [email protected]
    NON-BIO DIESEL for electrical aggregates Ordering NON-BIO DIESEL for electrical aggregates +421911082985 [email protected]
    Department Business Support
    Ing. Andrea Evinicová Head of Business Support [email protected]
    Ľubomír Valachovič Informatics officer [email protected]
    Testing laboratories
    Ing. Zuzana Wetterová Head of Department Testing laboratories [email protected]
    Lab support & Customer care - Testing laboratories
    Test Labs InfoInfo/Request for analyses/price offers for the performance of tests in Testing Laboratories [email protected]
    Ing. Eva Valachovičová Unit Leader [email protected]
    Ing. Iveta Chovancová Customer care specialist Petroleum products [email protected]
    Mgr. Boris Moravčík Customer care specialist Environment [email protected]
    Ing. Víghová Anita Customer care specialist Polymers [email protected]
    Department Process safety and environment
    Information, inquiry, price offers Prevention of ZPH (SEVESO), PHA analyzes (HAZOP, LOPA), chem. factors in work environment, measurement of lighting, noise, vibration, LDAR - measurement of VOC emissions [email protected]
    Ing. Jana Kmiťová Head of Department PS&E [email protected]
    Ing. Matej Danko Head of Department Process Safety [email protected]
    Ing. Miloslav Chmela Head of Department Environment [email protected]
    Department Groundwater hydraulic protection
    Mgr. Štefan Marenčák, PhD. Head of Department GWHP [email protected]
    Patrik Kuric Operations Management Worker [email protected]
    VÚRUP, a. s.